Forum started!

Ok people, if you are reading this and need to talk to someone about the horrendous diagnosis you received called Osteitis Pubis or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, I just started a forum with gals who all have these issues so we can help and talk it out.  Please email me to be invited into the forum  I so wish I had this 2 years ago when I felt like I was a lone soldier trying to get a handle on facing a surgery to fuse my pubic symphysis with metal plates and NOBODY had ever heard of it.

So my latest update is amazing!!! I’m running 4 miles PAIN FREE and I keep inching up a little more every time 🙂  I’m cycling, but no more than 1 1/2 hours as SI joint gets pissed off.  I’m seriously ok with that tho, who knew I’d be cycling again!?  Plus I just signed up for a swim meet!  I’m really feeling great and I’m kinda back to normal.  Sure, some days really suck and my back hurts from chasing the kids around and doing yard work or just standing for long periods.  However, that stretch/exercise thing I do most nights with my hubby Jim has been a saving grace for me.  He literally pops my pelvis back into place and I’m good for another 24 hours, it’s so strange but I don’t care.  IT WORKS!

Thank you again to everyone who has been so supportive of me and my family over the past few years dealing with this.  You all know who you are and you rock.

I’m so happy that this is yet another good blog post and not one of my scary OH MY GOSH I’M DISABLED posts.    There’s hope!


11 thoughts on “Forum started!

  1. Hi, I had pelvis surgery 7 months ago, metal plate and 6 screws. Also suffered from postpartum osteitis pubis . Did Your doctor say something about removing that metal implant after some period of time? , I wonder if it’s necessary to get rid of it. My surgeon said we would probably remove it one year after surgery.
    I’m from Poland, thank You for Your blog, this gave o lot of hope when I experienced this awful condition.


    1. Hi, can I ask who did your surgery in Poland? I’m from the Czech Republic and nobody here has done the surgery with bone graft. Thank you.


      1. I had a surgery in Wrocław, my surgeon name is Jacek Martynkiewicz. I didn’t have a bone graft, they did a resection of the symphysis pubis and placed metal plate with 6 screws.


    1. Now I feel really great, no pelvic cracking, popping etc , but some days are very bad, especially because of my left SI joint. I’m doing a lot of exercices, for example from book recommended by You (Relieving pain in…), I’m swimming, riding the stationary bike and lately I started to do pilates. My physio says I need to strenghten whole body, especially abdominis transversus muscle.


  2. So glad to hear such a great osteitis pubis success story! I’ve been plagued with the pain for my last 2 pregnancies and now an ongoing 18 months postpartum! It’s excruciating and even more painful to find a dang dr to treat you! I’m still in search of one!!!!


  3. Is this blog/forum still going? Just diagnosed with osteoarthrosis in the joint of my symphysis pubis. The cartilage and tissue between the two halves of bone is completely degenerated, but I am only 39 and they have never heard of this in anyone my age. My doctor is researching to find an orthopedic surgeon who might do this bone fusion surgery. I am doing my own research and found you! A ray of hope! I emailed you, hopefully this blog is still active! Looking very forward to chatting with you! Thank you😊🙏🏼


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